Socolof, M. (In progress) Constraining Agree: A unified account of basic and inverse agreement in Georgian. pdf
Boles, C. and Socolof, M. (Submitted) Conditionals in Igala.
Socolof, M., O’Donnell, T., and Wagner, M. (In revision) The idiom processing advantage is explained by surprisal.
Lau, E., Socolof, M., Clarke, N. Asatiani, R, and Polinsky, M. (2023) A subject relative clause preference in a split-ergative language: ERP evidence from Georgian. Brain and Language. pdf
Socolof, M., Hoover, J., Futrell, R., Sordoni, A., and O’Donnell, T. (2022) Measuring morphological fusion using Partial Information Decomposition. Proceedings of COLING. pdf
Lau, E., Polinsky, M., Clarke, N., and Socolof, M. (2022) On the representation of morphosyntactic predictions: ERP evidence from Georgian. Issues in Kartvelian Studies. pdf
Socolof, M., Cheung, J., Wagner, M., and O’Donnell, T. (2022) Characterizing idioms: Conventionality and contingency. Proceedings of ACL. pdf
Socolof, M., Schwarz, B., and Hirsch, A. (2020) Which-questions, uniqueness, and answerhood: Evidence from disjunction. Proceedings of NELS. pdf
Socolof, M. and Shimoyama, J. (2020) The distribution of the Maori genitive relative construction. Proceedings of AFLA. pdf
McAuliffe, M., Socolof, M., Mihuc, S., Wagner, M., and Sonderegger, M. (2017) Montreal Forced Aligner: Trainable text-speech alignment using Kaldi. Proceedings of Interspeech. pdf
McAuliffe, M., Stengel-Eskin, E., Socolof, M., and Sonderegger, M. (2017) Polyglot and Speech Corpus Tools: A system for representing, integrating, and querying speech corpora Proceedings of Interspeech. pdf